Source code for compiam.melody.pattern.sancara_search

import os
import gdown
import zipfile

import numpy as np

from configobj import ConfigObj

from compiam.utils import get_logger, WORKDIR

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class CAEWrapper: """ Wrapper for the Complex Autoencoder found at specifically for the task of embedding audio to learnt CAE features. This wrapper is used for inference and it is not trainable. Please initialize it using compiam.load_model() """ def __init__(self, model_path, conf_path, spec_path, device="cpu"): """Initialise wrapper with trained model from original CAE implementation :param model_path: Path to .save model trained using original CAE implementation. :param conf_path: Path to .ini conf used to train model at <model_path>. :param spec_path: Path to .cfg configuration spec. :param map_location: cpu or gpu [optional, defaults to cpu]. """ ### IMPORTING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCIES try: global torch import torch global to_cqt_repr, standardize from compiam.melody.pattern.sancara_search.complex_auto.cqt import ( to_cqt_repr, standardize, ) global Complex from compiam.melody.pattern.sancara_search.complex_auto.complex import ( Complex, ) global cuda_variable from compiam.melody.pattern.sancara_search.complex_auto.util import ( cuda_variable, ) except: raise ImportError( "In order to use this tool you need to have torch installed. " "Please install torch using: pip install torch" ) ### if not device: self.device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" self.conf_path = conf_path self.model_path = model_path self.trained = False # To prevent CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED error in case of incompatible GPU try: self.load_model(model_path, conf_path, spec_path) except: self.device = "cpu" self.load_model(model_path, conf_path, spec_path)
[docs] def load_conf(self, path, spec): """ Load .ini conf at <path> :param path: path to .ini configuration file :type path: str :param spec: path to .cfg configuration spec file :type spec: str :returns: dict of parameters :rtype: dict """ configspec = ConfigObj( spec, interpolation=True, list_values=False, _inspec=True ) conf = ConfigObj(path, unrepr=True, configspec=configspec) return dict(conf)
[docs] def validate_conf(self, conf): """ Ensure all relevant parameters for feature extraction are present in <conf> :param path: dict of parameters :type path: dict :returns: True/False, are relevant parameters present :rtype: bool """ for param in [ "n_bins", "length_ngram", "n_bases", "dropout", "sr", "bins_per_oct", "fmin", "hop_length", ]: if param not in conf: raise ValueError(f"{param} not present in conf at <self.conf_path>") if not isinstance(conf["n_bins"], int): raise ValueError("n_bins in conf at <conf_path> should be an integer") if not isinstance(conf["length_ngram"], int): raise ValueError("length_ngram in conf at <conf_path> should be an integer") if not isinstance(conf["n_bases"], int): raise ValueError("n_bases in conf at <conf_path> should be an integer") if not isinstance(conf["dropout"], float): raise ValueError("dropout in conf at <conf_path> should be a float") if not isinstance(conf["sr"], int): raise ValueError("sr in conf at <conf_path> should be an integer") if not isinstance(conf["bins_per_oct"], int): raise ValueError("bins_per_oct in conf at <conf_path> should be an integer") if not isinstance(conf["fmin"], (float, int)): raise ValueError("fmin in conf at <conf_path> should be an float/integer") if not isinstance(conf["hop_length"], int): raise ValueError("hop_length in conf at <conf_path> should be an integer")
def _build_model(self): """ Build de CAE model. :returns: loaded model :rtype: torch.nn.Module """ in_size = self.n_bins * self.length_ngram return Complex(in_size, self.n_bases, dropout=self.dropout).to(self.device)
[docs] def load_model(self, model_path, conf_path, spec_path): """ Load model at <model_path>. Expects model parameters to correspond to those found in self.params (loaded from self.conf_path). :param model_path: path to model :type model_path: str """ if not os.path.exists(model_path): self.download_model(model_path) print(conf_path, spec_path) self.params = self.load_conf(conf_path, spec_path) self.validate_conf(self.params) for tp, v in self.params.items(): # unpack parameters to class attributes setattr(self, tp, v) self.model = self._build_model() self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path), strict=False) self.trained = True
[docs] def download_model(self, model_path=None): """Download pre-trained model.""" url = "" unzip_path = ( os.sep + os.path.join(*model_path.split(os.sep)[:-2]) if model_path is not None else os.path.join(WORKDIR, "models", "melody", "caecarnatic") ) if not os.path.exists(unzip_path): os.makedirs(unzip_path) output = os.path.join(unzip_path, ""), output, quiet=False) # Unzip file with zipfile.ZipFile(output, "r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(unzip_path) # Delete zip file after extraction os.remove(output) logger.warning("Files downloaded and extracted successfully.")
[docs] def extract_features(self, file_path, sr=None): """ Extract CAE features using self.model on audio at <file_path> :param file_path: path to audio :type file_path: str :param sr: sampling rate of audio at <file_path>, if None, use :type sr: int :returns: amplitude vector, phases vector :rtype: np.ndarray, np.ndarray """ sr = sr if sr else cqt = self.get_cqt(file_path, sr=None) ampls, phases = self.to_amp_phase(cqt) return ampls, phases
[docs] def get_cqt(self, file_path, sr=None): """ Extract CQT representation from audio at <file_path> according to parameters specified in conf at self.conf_path :param file_path: path to audio :type file_path: str :param sr: sampling rate of audio at <file_path>, if None, use :type sr: int :returns: cqt representation :rtype: np.ndarray """ sr = sr if sr else repres = to_cqt_repr( file_path, self.n_bins, self.bins_per_oct, self.fmin, self.hop_length, use_nr_samples=-1, sr=sr, standard=True, mult=1.0, ) return repres.transpose()
[docs] def to_amp_phase(self, cqt): """ Extract amplitude and phase vector from model on <cqt> representation :param cqt: CQT representation of audio :type cqt: np.ndarray :returns: amplitude vector, phases vector :rtype: np.ndarray, np.ndarray """ self.model.eval() ngrams = [] for i in range(0, len(cqt) - self.length_ngram, 1): curr_ngram = cqt[i : i + self.length_ngram].reshape((-1,)) curr_ngram = standardize(curr_ngram) ngrams.append(curr_ngram) x = cuda_variable(torch.FloatTensor(np.vstack(ngrams))) ampl, phase = self.model(x) return ampl, phase