Source code for compiam.melody.pitch_extraction.melodia

import os

import numpy as np

from compiam.utils.pitch import normalisation, resampling
from import write_csv
from compiam.utils import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class Melodia: """Melodia predominant melody extraction""" def __init__( self, binResolution=10, filterIterations=3, frameSize=2048, guessUnvoiced=False, harmonicWeight=0.8, hopSize=128, magnitudeCompression=1, magnitudeThreshold=40, maxFrequency=20000, minDuration=100, minFrequency=80, numberHarmonics=20, peakDistributionThreshold=0.9, peakFrameThreshold=0.9, pitchContinuity=27.5625, referenceFrequency=55, sampleRate=44100, timeContinuity=100, voiceVibrato=False, voicingTolerance=0.2, ): """Melodia predominant melody extraction init method For a complete and detailed list of the parameters see the documentation on the following link: """ ### IMPORTING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCIES try: global estd import essentia.standard as estd except: raise ImportError( "In order to use this tool you need to have essentia installed. " "Please install essentia using: pip install essentia" ) ### self.binResolution = binResolution self.filterIterations = filterIterations self.frameSize = frameSize self.guessUnvoiced = guessUnvoiced self.harmonicWeight = harmonicWeight self.hopSize = hopSize self.magnitudeCompression = magnitudeCompression self.magnitudeThreshold = magnitudeThreshold self.maxFrequency = maxFrequency self.minDuration = minDuration self.minFrequency = minFrequency self.numberHarmonics = numberHarmonics self.peakDistributionThreshold = peakDistributionThreshold self.peakFrameThreshold = peakFrameThreshold self.pitchContinuity = pitchContinuity self.referenceFrequency = referenceFrequency self.sampleRate = sampleRate self.timeContinuity = timeContinuity self.voiceVibrato = voiceVibrato self.voicingTolerance = voicingTolerance
[docs] def extract(self, input_data, input_sr=44100, out_step=None): """Extract the melody from a given file. :param input_data: path to audio file or numpy array like audio signal :param input_sr: sampling rate of the input array of data (if any). This variable is only relevant if the input is an array of data instead of a filepath. :param out_step: particular time-step duration if needed at output :returns: a 2-D list with time-stamps and pitch values per timestamp. """ if isinstance(input_data, str): if not os.path.exists(input_data): raise FileNotFoundError("Target audio not found.") audio = estd.EqloudLoader(filename=input_data, sampleRate=self.sampleRate)() elif isinstance(input_data, np.ndarray): logger.warning( f"Resampling... (input sampling rate is {input_sr}Hz, make sure this is correct)" ) resample_audio = estd.Resample( inputSampleRate=input_sr, outputSampleRate=self.sampleRate )() input_data = resample_audio(input_data) audio = estd.EqualLoudness(signal=input_data)() else: raise ValueError("Input must be path to audio signal or an audio array") extractor = estd.PredominantPitchMelodia( binResolution=self.binResolution, filterIterations=self.filterIterations, frameSize=self.frameSize, guessUnvoiced=self.guessUnvoiced, harmonicWeight=self.harmonicWeight, hopSize=self.hopSize, magnitudeCompression=self.magnitudeCompression, magnitudeThreshold=self.magnitudeThreshold, maxFrequency=self.maxFrequency, minDuration=self.minDuration, minFrequency=self.minFrequency, numberHarmonics=self.numberHarmonics, peakDistributionThreshold=self.peakDistributionThreshold, peakFrameThreshold=self.peakFrameThreshold, pitchContinuity=self.pitchContinuity, referenceFrequency=self.referenceFrequency, sampleRate=self.sampleRate, timeContinuity=self.timeContinuity, voiceVibrato=self.voiceVibrato, voicingTolerance=self.voicingTolerance, ) pitch, _ = extractor(audio) TStamps = np.array(range(0, len(pitch))) * float(self.hopSize) / self.sampleRate output = np.array([TStamps, pitch]).transpose() if out_step is not None: new_len = int((len(audio) / self.sampleRate) // out_step) return resampling(output, new_len) return output
[docs] @staticmethod def normalise_pitch(pitch, tonic, bins_per_octave=120, max_value=4): """Normalize pitch given a tonic. :param pitch: a 2-D list with time-stamps and pitch values per timestamp. :param tonic: recording tonic to normalize the pitch to. :param bins_per_octave: number of frequency bins per octave. :param max_value: maximum value to clip the normalized pitch to. :returns: a 2-D list with time-stamps and normalized to a given tonic pitch values per timestamp. """ return normalisation( pitch, tonic, bins_per_octave=bins_per_octave, max_value=max_value )
[docs] @staticmethod def save_pitch(data, output_path): """Calling the write_csv function in to write the output pitch curve in a fle :param data: the data to write :param output_path: the path where the data is going to be stored :returns: None """ return write_csv(data, output_path)