Source code for compiam.separation.singing_voice_extraction.cold_diff_sep

import os
import tqdm
import gdown
import zipfile
import librosa
import math

import numpy as np
import soundfile as sf

from compiam.separation.singing_voice_extraction.cold_diff_sep.model.vad import VAD

from compiam.exceptions import ModelNotTrainedError
from compiam.utils import get_logger, WORKDIR

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class ColdDiffSep(object): """Leakage-aware singing voice separation model for Carnatic Music.""" def __init__(self, model_path=None, config_path=None, sample_rate=22050, gpu="-1"): """Leakage-aware singing voice separation init method. :param model_path: path to file to the model weights. :param config_path: path to config for the model. :param sample_rate: sample rate to which the audio is sampled for extraction. """ ### IMPORTING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCIES try: global tf import tensorflow as tf global DiffWave from compiam.separation.singing_voice_extraction.cold_diff_sep.model import ( DiffWave, ) global UnetConfig from compiam.separation.singing_voice_extraction.cold_diff_sep.model.config import ( Config as UnetConfig, ) global get_mask from compiam.separation.singing_voice_extraction.cold_diff_sep.model.clustering import ( get_mask, ) global compute_stft, compute_signal_from_stft, next_power_of_2, get_overlap_window from compiam.separation.singing_voice_extraction.cold_diff_sep.model.signal_processing import ( get_overlap_window, compute_stft, compute_signal_from_stft, next_power_of_2, ) except: raise ImportError( "In order to use this tool you need to have tensorflow installed. " "Please install tensorflow using: pip install tensorflow==2.7.2" ) ### ## Setting up GPU if specified os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(gpu) self.gpu = gpu self.unet_config = UnetConfig() self.model = DiffWave(self.unet_config) self.sample_rate = self.trained = False self.model_path = model_path if self.model_path is not None: self.load_model(self.model_path) def load_model(self, model_path): if ".data-00000-of-00001" not in model_path: path_to_check = model_path + ".data-00000-of-00001" if not os.path.exists(path_to_check): self.download_model(model_path) # Dowloading model weights self.model.restore(model_path).expect_partial() self.model_path = model_path self.trained = True
[docs] def separate( self, input_data, input_sr=44100, clusters=5, scheduler=4, chunk_size=3, gpu="-1", ): """Separate singing voice from mixture. :param input_data: Audio signal to separate. :param input_sr: sampling rate of the input array of data (if any). This variable is only relevant if the input is an array of data instead of a filepath. :param clusters: Number of clusters to use to build the separation masks. :param scheduler: Scheduler factor to weight the clusters to be more or less restirctive with the interferences. :param gpu: Id of the available GPU to use (-1 by default, to run on CPU) :return: Singing voice signal. """ ## Setting up GPU if any if gpu != self.gpu: os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(gpu) self.gpu = gpu if self.trained is False: raise ModelNotTrainedError( """ Model is not trained. Please load model before running inference! You can load the pre-trained instance with the load_model wrapper.""" ) # Loading and resampling audio if isinstance(input_data, str): if not os.path.exists(input_data): raise FileNotFoundError("Target audio not found.") audio, _ = librosa.load(input_data, sr=self.sample_rate) elif isinstance(input_data, np.ndarray): logger.warning( f"Resampling... (input sampling rate is assumed {input_sr}Hz, \ make sure this is correct and change input_sr otherwise)" ) audio = librosa.resample( input_data, orig_sr=input_sr, target_sr=self.sample_rate ) else: raise ValueError("Input must be path to audio signal or an audio array") mixture = tf.convert_to_tensor(audio, dtype=tf.float32) if mixture.shape[0] == 2: mixture = tf.reduce_mean(mixture, axis=0) output_voc = np.zeros(mixture.shape) hopsized_chunk = int((chunk_size * 22050) / 2) runs = math.floor(mixture.shape[0] / hopsized_chunk) trim_low = 0 for trim in tqdm.tqdm(np.arange((runs * 2) - 1)): trim_high = int(trim_low + (hopsized_chunk * 2)) # Get input mixture spectrogram mix_trim = mixture[trim_low:trim_high] mix_mag, mix_phase = compute_stft(mix_trim[None], self.unet_config) new_len = next_power_of_2(mix_mag.shape[1]) mix_mag_trim = mix_mag[:, :new_len, :] mix_phase_trim = mix_phase[:, :new_len, :] # Get and stack cold diffusion steps diff_feat = self.model(mix_mag_trim, mode="train") diff_feat = tf.transpose(diff_feat, [1, 0, 2, 3]) diff_feat_t = tf.squeeze( tf.reshape( diff_feat, [1, 8, diff_feat.shape[-2] * diff_feat.shape[-1]] ), axis=0, ).numpy() # Normalize features, all energy curves having same range normalized_feat = [] for j in np.arange(diff_feat_t.shape[1]): normalized_curve = diff_feat_t[:, j] / ( np.max(np.abs(diff_feat_t[:, j])) + 1e-6 ) normalized_feat.append(normalized_curve) normalized_feat = np.array(normalized_feat, dtype=np.float32) # Compute mask using unsupervised clustering and reshape to magnitude spec shape mask = get_mask(normalized_feat, clusters, scheduler) mask = tf.convert_to_tensor( mask, dtype=tf.float32 ) # Move mask to tensor and cast to float mask = tf.reshape(mask, mix_mag_trim.shape) # Getting last step of computed features and applying mask diff_feat_t = tf.reshape(diff_feat_t[-1, :], mix_mag_trim.shape) output_signal = tf.math.multiply(diff_feat_t, mask) # Silence unvoiced regions output_signal = compute_signal_from_stft( output_signal, mix_phase_trim, self.unet_config ) # From here on, pred_audio is numpy pred_audio = tf.squeeze(output_signal, axis=0).numpy() vad = VAD( pred_audio, sr=22050, nFFT=512, win_length=0.025, hop_length=0.01, theshold=0.99, ) if np.sum(vad) / len(vad) < 0.25: pred_audio = np.zeros(pred_audio.shape) # Get boundary boundary = None boundary = "start" if trim == 0 else None boundary = "end" if trim == runs - 2 else None placehold_voc = np.zeros(output_voc.shape) placehold_voc[ trim_low : trim_low + pred_audio.shape[0] ] = pred_audio * get_overlap_window(pred_audio, boundary=boundary) output_voc += placehold_voc trim_low += pred_audio.shape[0] // 2 output_voc = output_voc * ( np.max(np.abs(mixture.numpy())) / (np.max(np.abs(output_voc)) + 1e-6) ) return output_voc
# TODO: write a function to store audio # Building intuitive filename with model config # filefolder = os.path.join(args.input_signal.split("/")[:-1]) # filename = args.input_signal.split("/")[-1].split(".")[:-1] # filename = filename[0] if len(filename) == 1 else ".".join(filename) # filename = filename + "_" + str(clusters) + "_" + str(scheduler) + "pred_voc" # sf.write( # os.path.join(filefolder, filename + ".wav"), # output_voc, # 22050) # Writing to file
[docs] def download_model(self, model_path=None): """Download pre-trained model.""" url = "" unzip_path = ( os.sep + os.path.join(*model_path.split(os.sep)[:-2]) if model_path is not None else os.path.join(WORKDIR, "models", "separation", "cold_diff_sep") ) if not os.path.exists(unzip_path): os.makedirs(unzip_path) output = os.path.join(unzip_path, ""), output, quiet=False) # Unzip file with zipfile.ZipFile(output, "r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(unzip_path) # Delete zip file after extraction os.remove(output) logger.warning("Files downloaded and extracted successfully.")