import os
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from compiam.utils import create_if_not_exists
from compiam.utils.augment.augment_data_ar import augment_data_attack_remix
# from compiam.utils.augment.augment_data_ps import augment_data_pitch_shift
from compiam.utils.augment.augment_data_sf import augment_data_spectral_shape
from compiam.utils.augment.augment_data_sr import augment_data_stroke_remix
# from compiam.utils.augment.augment_data_ts import augment_data_time_scale
file_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
# def pitch_shift(in_path, out_dir, shifts=-1.0, sr=16000, n_jobs=4):
# """Pitch shift audio at <in_path>, by shifts in <shifts>. Output to <out_dir>
# :param in_path: Path to input audio
# :type in_path: str
# :param out_dir: Directory to output pitch shifted audios
# :type out_dir: str
# :param shifts: Pitch shifts value in semitones (or list of values for multiple outputs)
# :type shifts: float or list
# :param sr: Sampling rate of input audio
# :type sr: float
# :param n_jobs: n jobs for parrelelization
# :type n_jobs: int
# """
# create_if_not_exists(out_dir)
# if not isinstance(shifts, list):
# shifts = [shifts]
# _ = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
# delayed(augment_data_pitch_shift)(in_path, out_dir, sr, ps) for ps in shifts
# )
[docs]def spectral_shape(
gain_factors=(0.6, 2, 0.2),
"""Augmenting data by perturbin 'nuisance attributes' that
are unimportant in the specific discrimination task.
:param in_path: Path to input audio
:type in_path: str
:param out_dir: Directory to output pitch shifted audios
:type out_dir: str
:param gain_factors: 3-tuple (or list of) with gain factors for remixing. Tuple entries correspond to each of bass, treble, & damped components.
:type gain_factors: float or list
:param winDur: Window size in milliseconds
:type winDur: float
:param hopDur: Hop size in milliseconds
:type hopDur: float
:param sr: Sampling rate of input audio
:type sr: float
:param n_jobs: n jobs for parrelelization
:type n_jobs: int
if not isinstance(gain_factors, list):
gain_factors = [gain_factors]
_ = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
in_path, out_dir, sr, gain_set, winDur=winDur, hopDur=hopDur
for gain_set in gain_factors
[docs]def stroke_remix(
gain_factors=(0.6, 2, 0.2),
templates=os.path.join(file_dir, "augmentation", "templates.npy"),
"""Simulate the expected variations of relative strengths of drums in a mix
using non-negative matrix factorization (NMF).
:param in_path: Path to input audio
:type in_path: str
:param out_dir: Directory to output pitch shifted audios
:type out_dir: str
:param gain_factors: 3-tuple (or list of) with gain factors for remixing. Tuple entries correspond to each of bass, treble, & damped components.
:type gain_factors: float or list
:param templates: path to saved nmf templates
:type templates: str
:param winDur: Window size in milliseconds
:type winDur: float
:param hopDur: Hop size in milliseconds
:type hopDur: float
:param sr: Sampling rate of input audio
:type sr: float
:param n_jobs: n jobs for parrelelization
:type n_jobs: int
if not isinstance(gain_factors, list):
gain_factors = [gain_factors]
_ = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
in_path, out_dir, sr, gain_set, templates, winDur, hopDur
for gain_set in gain_factors
# def time_scale(in_path, out_dir, time_shifts=0.8, sr=16000, n_jobs=4):
# """Time scaling of input audio, pitch maintained.
# :param in_path: Path to input audio
# :type in_path: str
# :param out_dir: Directory to output pitch shifted audios
# :type out_dir: str
# :param time_shifts: time scale value (or list of)
# :type time_shifts: float or list
# :param sr: Sampling rate of input audio
# :type sr: float
# :param n_jobs: n jobs for parrelelization
# :type n_jobs: int
# """
# create_if_not_exists(out_dir)
# if not isinstance(time_shifts, list):
# time_shifts = [time_shifts]
# _ = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
# delayed(augment_data_time_scale)(in_path, out_dir, sr, ts) for ts in time_shifts
# )
[docs]def attack_remix(
in_path, out_dir, gain_factors=0.3, winDur=46.4, hopDur=5, sr=16000, n_jobs=4
"""Modifying the relative levels of attack and decay regions of an audio
:param in_path: Path to input audio
:type in_path: str
:param out_dir: Directory to output pitch shifted audios
:type out_dir: str
:param gain_factors: gain factor (or list of) to scale attack portion with
:type gain_factors: float or list
:param winDur: Window size in milliseconds
:type winDur: float
:param hopDur: Hop size in milliseconds
:type hopDur: float
:param sr: Sampling rate of input audio
:type sr: float
:param n_jobs: n jobs for parrelelization
:type n_jobs: int
if not isinstance(gain_factors, list):
gain_factors = [gain_factors]
_ = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
delayed(augment_data_attack_remix)(in_path, out_dir, sr, G, winDur, hopDur)
for G in gain_factors