import math
import mir_eval
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# Melody utils
[docs]def normalisation(pitch, tonic, bins_per_octave=120, max_value=4):
"""Normalize pitch given a tonic.
:param pitch: a 2-D list with time-stamps and pitch values per timestamp.
:param tonic: recording tonic to normalize the pitch to.
:param bins_per_octave: number of frequency bins per octave.
:param max_value: maximum value to clip the normalized pitch to.
:returns: a 2-D list with time-stamps and normalized to a given tonic
pitch values per timestamp.
pitch_values = pitch[:, 1]
eps = np.finfo(float).eps
normalised_pitch = bins_per_octave * np.log2(2.0 * (pitch_values + eps) / tonic)
indexes = np.where(normalised_pitch <= 0)
normalised_pitch[indexes] = 0
indexes = np.where(normalised_pitch > max_value)
normalised_pitch[indexes] = max_value
return np.array([pitch[:, 0], normalised_pitch]).transpose()
[docs]def resampling(pitch, new_len):
"""Resample pitch to a given new length in samples
:param pitch: a 2-D list with time-stamps and pitch values per timestamp.
:param new_len: new length of the output pitch
times = pitch[:, 0]
frequencies = pitch[:, 1]
voicing = []
for freq in frequencies:
voicing.append(1) if freq > 0 else voicing.append(0)
times_new = np.linspace(times[0], times[-1], num=new_len)
frequencies_resampled, _ = mir_eval.melody.resample_melody_series(
return np.array([times_new, frequencies_resampled]).transpose()
## Pitch Stability ##
def reduce_stability_mask(stable_mask, min_stab_sec, timestep):
min_stability_length = int(min_stab_sec / timestep)
num_one = 0
indices = []
for i, s in enumerate(stable_mask):
if s == 1:
num_one += 1
if num_one < min_stability_length:
for ix in indices:
stable_mask[ix] = 0
num_one = 0
indices = []
return stable_mask
[docs]def is_stable(seq, max_var):
"""Compute is sequence of value has stability given an input tolerance
:param seq: sequence of values to study
:param max_var: Maximum tolerance to consider stable/not stable
:returns: 1 (stable) or 0 (not stable)
if None in seq:
return 0
seq = seq.astype(float)
mu = np.nanmean(seq)
maximum = np.nanmax(seq)
minimum = np.nanmin(seq)
if (maximum < mu + max_var) and (minimum > mu - max_var):
return 1
return 0
def add_center_to_mask(mask):
num_one = 0
indices = []
for i, s in enumerate(mask):
if s == 1:
num_one += 1
li = len(indices)
if li:
middle = indices[int(li / 2)]
mask[middle] = 2
num_one = 0
indices = []
return mask
[docs]def pitch_to_cents(p, tonic):
Convert pitch value, <p> to cents above <tonic>.
:param p: Pitch value in Hz
:type p: float
:param tonic: Tonic value in Hz
:type tonic: float
:return: Pitch value, <p> in cents above <tonic>
:rtype: float
return 1200 * math.log(p / tonic, 2) if p else None
[docs]def cents_to_pitch(c, tonic):
Convert cents value, <c> to pitch in Hz
:param c: Pitch value in cents above <tonic>
:type c: float/int
:param tonic: Tonic value in Hz
:type tonic: float
:return: Pitch value, <c> in Hz
:rtype: float
return (2 ** (c / 1200)) * tonic
[docs]def pitch_seq_to_cents(pseq, tonic):
Convert sequence of pitch values to sequence of
cents above <tonic> values
:param pseq: Array of pitch values in Hz
:type pseq: np.array
:param tonic: Tonic value in Hz
:type tonic: float
:return: Sequence of original pitch value in cents above <tonic>
:rtype: np.array
return np.vectorize(lambda y: pitch_to_cents(y, tonic))(pseq)
[docs]def interpolate_below_length(arr, val, gap):
Interpolate gaps of value, <val> of
length equal to or shorter than <gap> in <arr>
:param arr: Array to interpolate
:type arr: np.array
:param val: Value expected in gaps to interpolate
:type val: number
:param gap: Maximum gap length to interpolate, gaps of <val> longer than <g> will not be interpolated
:type gap: number
:return: interpolated array
:rtype: np.array
s = np.copy(arr)
is_zero = s == val
cumsum = np.cumsum(is_zero).astype("float")
diff = np.zeros_like(s)
diff[~is_zero] = np.diff(cumsum[~is_zero], prepend=0)
for i, d in enumerate(diff):
if d <= gap:
s[int(i - d) : i] = np.nan
interp = pd.Series(s).interpolate(method="linear", axis=0).ffill().bfill().values
return interp