Source code for compiam.utils.pitch

import math
import mir_eval

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# Melody utils

[docs]def normalisation(pitch, tonic, bins_per_octave=120, max_value=4): """Normalize pitch given a tonic. :param pitch: a 2-D list with time-stamps and pitch values per timestamp. :param tonic: recording tonic to normalize the pitch to. :param bins_per_octave: number of frequency bins per octave. :param max_value: maximum value to clip the normalized pitch to. :returns: a 2-D list with time-stamps and normalized to a given tonic pitch values per timestamp. """ pitch_values = pitch[:, 1] eps = np.finfo(float).eps normalised_pitch = bins_per_octave * np.log2(2.0 * (pitch_values + eps) / tonic) indexes = np.where(normalised_pitch <= 0) normalised_pitch[indexes] = 0 indexes = np.where(normalised_pitch > max_value) normalised_pitch[indexes] = max_value return np.array([pitch[:, 0], normalised_pitch]).transpose()
[docs]def resampling(pitch, new_len): """Resample pitch to a given new length in samples :param pitch: a 2-D list with time-stamps and pitch values per timestamp. :param new_len: new length of the output pitch """ times = pitch[:, 0] frequencies = pitch[:, 1] voicing = [] for freq in frequencies: voicing.append(1) if freq > 0 else voicing.append(0) times_new = np.linspace(times[0], times[-1], num=new_len) frequencies_resampled, _ = mir_eval.melody.resample_melody_series( times=times, frequencies=frequencies, voicing=np.array(voicing), times_new=times_new, kind="linear", ) return np.array([times_new, frequencies_resampled]).transpose()
##################### ## Pitch Stability ## #####################
[docs]def extract_stability_mask(pitch, min_stab_sec, hop_sec, var, timestep): """ Extract boolean array corresponding to <pitch> - yes/no does point correspond to a region of "stable" pitch. A window is passed along the pitch track, <pitch> and the minimum and maximum values compared to the average for that window. Regions corresponding to windows whose extremes deviate significantly from their means are marked as stable. Consecutive stable regions summing to more than <min_stab_sec> seconds in length are annotated with 1 indicating stable. Regions which are not stable or that are stable but do not make up at least <min_stab_sec> in length are annotated with 0 - not stable. :param pitch: Pitch values in Hz or cents :type pitch: np.ndarray :param min_stab_sec: Stable regions of at least <min_stab_sec> seconds in length are annotated as stable. Shorter regions are not annotated. :type min_stab_sec: float :param hop_sec: Hop length in seconds of window :type hop_sec: float :param var: If the maximum/minimum pitch in a window deviates from its mean by more than this value, the window is considered unstable. Important to consider if the input is in cents or hertz! :type var: float :param timestep: Time difference, in seconds, between each element in pitch :type timestep: float :return: Boolean array equal in length to <pitch>: is stable region or not? :rtype: np.ndarray """ stab_hop = int(hop_sec / timestep) reverse_pitch = np.flip(pitch) # apply in both directions to array to account for hop_size errors stable_mask_1 = [is_stable(pitch[s : s + stab_hop], var) for s in range(len(pitch))] stable_mask_2 = [ is_stable(reverse_pitch[s : s + stab_hop], var) for s in range(len(reverse_pitch)) ] silence_mask = pitch == 0 zipped = zip(stable_mask_1, np.flip(stable_mask_2), silence_mask) stable_mask = np.array([int((any([s1, s2]) and not sil)) for s1, s2, sil in zipped]) stable_mask = reduce_stability_mask(stable_mask, min_stab_sec, timestep) # stable_mask = add_center_to_mask(stable_mask) return stable_mask
def reduce_stability_mask(stable_mask, min_stab_sec, timestep): min_stability_length = int(min_stab_sec / timestep) num_one = 0 indices = [] for i, s in enumerate(stable_mask): if s == 1: num_one += 1 indices.append(i) else: if num_one < min_stability_length: for ix in indices: stable_mask[ix] = 0 num_one = 0 indices = [] return stable_mask
[docs]def is_stable(seq, max_var): """Compute is sequence of value has stability given an input tolerance :param seq: sequence of values to study :param max_var: Maximum tolerance to consider stable/not stable :returns: 1 (stable) or 0 (not stable) """ if None in seq: return 0 seq = seq.astype(float) mu = np.nanmean(seq) maximum = np.nanmax(seq) minimum = np.nanmin(seq) if (maximum < mu + max_var) and (minimum > mu - max_var): return 1 else: return 0
def add_center_to_mask(mask): num_one = 0 indices = [] for i, s in enumerate(mask): if s == 1: num_one += 1 indices.append(i) else: li = len(indices) if li: middle = indices[int(li / 2)] mask[middle] = 2 num_one = 0 indices = [] return mask
[docs]def pitch_to_cents(p, tonic): """ Convert pitch value, <p> to cents above <tonic>. :param p: Pitch value in Hz :type p: float :param tonic: Tonic value in Hz :type tonic: float :return: Pitch value, <p> in cents above <tonic> :rtype: float """ return 1200 * math.log(p / tonic, 2) if p else None
[docs]def cents_to_pitch(c, tonic): """ Convert cents value, <c> to pitch in Hz :param c: Pitch value in cents above <tonic> :type c: float/int :param tonic: Tonic value in Hz :type tonic: float :return: Pitch value, <c> in Hz :rtype: float """ return (2 ** (c / 1200)) * tonic
[docs]def pitch_seq_to_cents(pseq, tonic): """ Convert sequence of pitch values to sequence of cents above <tonic> values :param pseq: Array of pitch values in Hz :type pseq: np.array :param tonic: Tonic value in Hz :type tonic: float :return: Sequence of original pitch value in cents above <tonic> :rtype: np.array """ return np.vectorize(lambda y: pitch_to_cents(y, tonic))(pseq)
[docs]def interpolate_below_length(arr, val, gap): """ Interpolate gaps of value, <val> of length equal to or shorter than <gap> in <arr> :param arr: Array to interpolate :type arr: np.array :param val: Value expected in gaps to interpolate :type val: number :param gap: Maximum gap length to interpolate, gaps of <val> longer than <g> will not be interpolated :type gap: number :return: interpolated array :rtype: np.array """ s = np.copy(arr) is_zero = s == val cumsum = np.cumsum(is_zero).astype("float") diff = np.zeros_like(s) diff[~is_zero] = np.diff(cumsum[~is_zero], prepend=0) for i, d in enumerate(diff): if d <= gap: s[int(i - d) : i] = np.nan interp = pd.Series(s).interpolate(method="linear", axis=0).ffill().bfill().values return interp