
Discogs-VI Dataset


Discogs-VI is a dataset of musical version metadata and pre-computed audio representations, created for research on version identification (VI), also referred to as cover song identification (CSI). It was created using editorial metadata from the public Discogs music database by identifying version relationships among millions of tracks, utilizing metadata matching based on artist and writer credits as well as track title metadata. The identified versions comprise the Discogs-VI dataset, with a large portion of it mapped to official music uploads on YouTube, resulting in the Discogs-VI-YT subset.

In the VI literature the set of tracks that are versions of each other is defined as a clique. Here’s an example of the metadata for a clique. Discogs-VI contains approximately 1.9 million versions belonging to around 348,000 cliques, while Discogs-VI-YT includes approximately 493,000 versions across about 98,000 cliques.

This website accompanies the dataset and the related publication, providing summary information, instructions on access and usage, as well as the code to re-create the dataset, including audio downloads from the matched YouTube videos. The code for dataset re-creation can be found here.

Table of contents


Discogs regularly releases public data dumps containing comprehensive release metadata (such as artists, genres, styles, labels, release year, and country). See an example of a release page. See how the Discogs database is built here. You can see some statistics for all music releases submitted to Discogs on their explore page.


We use Python 3.10.9 on Linux.

git clone https://github.com/MTG/discogs-vi-dataset
cd discogs-vi-dataset
conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate discogs-vi-dataset


Three types of data are associated with the dataset:

  1. Metadata
    • clique and version metadata (Discogs-VI),
    • clique and version metadata with only YouTube ID-matched versions (Discogs-VI-YT),
    • more metadata as explained in this section.
  2. Audio
    • In the form of YouTube IDs. We do not share any audio.
  3. Audio representations
    • audio representations such as CQT (Constant-Q Transform) extracted for the versions of Discogs-VI-YT.

This section provides details on how to access each. The details are provided in later sections.

1. Metadata

We provide the dataset including the intermediary files of the creation process. Due to their sizes, they are separated into two directories so that you do not have to download everything. If your goal is to use the dataset and start working, download main.zip (1.4 GB compressed, 21 GB uncompressed). If for some reason you are interested in the intermediary files, download intermediary.zip (8.7 GB compressed, 46 GB uncompressed). Contents of these folders are provided in this section. You can download these two zip files from Zenodo.

2. Audio

You can download the audio files corresponding to the YouTube IDs of the versions. In our experiments, we used exactly these IDs.

We have been able to conduct the downloads from our research institution under Directive (EU) 2019/790 on Copyright in the Digital Single Market, which includes text and data mining exceptions for the purposes of scientific research (Article 3).

python discogs_vi_yt/audio_download_yt/download_missing_version_youtube_urls.py Discogs-VI-YT-20240701.jsonl music_dir/

However, Discogs-VI-20240701.jsonl.youtube_query_matched contains more versions with YouTube IDs (read the paper for understanding why or check this section).

python discogs_vi_yt/audio_download_yt/download_missing_version_youtube_urls.py Discogs-VI-20240701.jsonl.youtube_query_matched music_dir/

NOTE: We recommend parallelizing this operation because there are many audio files using utilities/shuffle_and_split.sh. However, if you use too many parallel processes you may get banned from YouTube. We experimented with 2-20 processes. Using more than 10 processes got us banned a few times. In that case, you should stop downloading and wait a couple of days before trying again.

utilities/shuffle_and_split.sh Discogs-VI-YT-20240701.jsonl 10

Then open up multiple terminal instances and call each split separately.

python discogs_vi_yt/audio_download_yt/download_missing_version_youtube_urls.py Discogs-VI-20240701.jsonl.youtube_query_matched.split.00 music_dir/

Once you finish downloading, there will be many versions who are the only downloaded versions from their clique, you should filter these out with discogs_vi_yt/post_processing.py. I recommend reading here for more information.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Now that you have the data ready, you could start training VI models. However, in that case you would need validation and test sets. We provide official splits that consider Da-TACOS benchmark and SHS100K-TEST sets (Check here or read the paper for more info). However, the audio files we could download are probably different than yours, so you will have to filter these files based on what you could download. You should use the following script to align your downloaded data to the official splits.

python utilities/align_to_official_splits.py /path/to/Discogs-VI-YT/main/ /path/to/videos/

This script will automatically align the train, val, and test splits and print statistics on what percentage of the data you could actually find. You should report these percentages if you publish a paper for accurate cocmparison.

3. Audio representations

This repository does not contain the code for extracting the CQT audio representations used to train the Discogs-VINet described in the paper, nor the features themselves. The model and code to extract the features are available in a separate repository. The extracted features are available upon request for non-commercial scientific research purposes. Please contact Music Technology Group to make a request.


Below you can find some information about the contents of the dataset and how to load them using Python.

Main files

NOTE: Every clique and version has a unique ID associated to them. Currently the clique IDs change between Discogs dumps (will be fixed in the code later).

Intermediary files

Loading with python

The files have different encodings and structure. Here you can find how to load each file.

Discogs-VI-20240701.jsonl, Discogs-VI-20240701.jsonl.youtube_query_matched, and Discogs-VI-YT-20240701.jsonl

# Read the file with utf-8 encoding
with open("Discogs-VI-YT-20240701.jsonl", encoding="utf-8") as in_f:
    # Read the file one line at a time
    for jsonline in in_f:
        # Load the clique
        clique = json.loads(jsonline)
        # Access the versions
        for version in clique["versions"]:
            # Access the urls or other metadata. For Discogs-VI-20240701.jsonl there are no youtube_video field
            for video in version["youtube_video"]:

Discogs-VI-YT-20240701-light.json, Discogs-VI-YT-20240701-light.json.train, Discogs-VI-YT-20240701-light.json.val, and Discogs-VI-YT-20240701-light.json.test

# Read the file with default encoding
with open("Discogs-VI-YT-light-20240701.json") as in_f:
    # Load the cliques
    cliques = json.load(in_f)
# Access the data

Rest of the files

with open("discogs_20240701_artists.xml.jsonl.clean", encoding="utf-8") as infile:
    for jsonline in infile:
        artist = json.loads(jsonline)

Please refer to our GitHub Repository for more examples.

Discogs-VI-YT Streamlit demo

Run the demo with Streamlit using:

streamlit run demo.py --server.fileWatcherType -- Discogs-VI-YT-20240701.jsonl.demo

Snapshot of the interface

Re-create the dataset

The steps to re-create the dataset is detailed in a separate README file. Since Discogs database is growing one can run the scripts periodically and extend the dataset. We plan to create a new version of the dataset every year or so.


Please cite the following publication when using the dataset:

R. O. Araz, X. Serra, and D. Bogdanov, “Discogs-VI: A musical version identification dataset based on public editorial metadata,” in Proceedings of the 25th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), 2024.

 title = {Discogs-{VI}: {A} musical version identification dataset based on public editorial metadata},
 author = {Araz, R. Oguz and Serra, Xavier and Bogdanov, Dmitry},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th {International} {Society} for {Music} {Information} {Retrieval} {Conference} ({ISMIR})},
 address   = {San Francisco, CA, USA},
 year = {2024},



This work is supported by “IA y Música: Cátedra en Inteligencia Artificial y Música” (TSI-100929-2023-1) funded by the Secretaría de Estado de Digitalización e Inteligencia Artificial and the European Union-Next Generation EU, under the program Cátedras ENIA.