Source code for widgets.timeserieswidget

import pyqtgraph as pg
import numpy as np

from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal

from .widgetutilities import downsample_plot, cursor_pos_sample, current_pitch

# Enable OpenGL and Weave to improve the performance of plotting functions.

CURSOR_PEN = pg.mkPen((255, 40, 35, 150), cosmetic=True, width=3)
YAXIS_BRUSH = pg.mkBrush((50, 255, 255, 45))
PITCH_PEN = pg.mkPen(cosmetic=True, width=1.5, color=(30, 110, 216,))
SHADOW_PEN = pg.mkPen((70, 70, 30), width=5, cosmetic=True)

[docs]class TimeSeriesWidget(pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget): sample_rate = 44100 hopsize = 128 wheel_event = pyqtSignal(object) def __init__(self, parent=None): pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget.__init__(self, parent) # Set 0 margin 0 spacing to cover the whole area. self.centralWidget.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.centralWidget.setSpacing(0) self.limit = 600 # maximum number of samples to be plotted self.rois = [] # flags self.is_pitch_plotted = False self.is_notes_added = False def wheelEvent(self, ev): self.wheel_event.emit(ev)
[docs] def add_1d_view(self): """ Adds a 1d view to TimeSeriesWidget where you can plot and add items on it. """ # To customize the plot axises, create new ones. x_axis = pg.AxisItem('bottom') # x-axis x_axis.enableAutoSIPrefix(enable=False) # Prevent automatic SI # prefix scaling on this axis. x_axis.setGrid(100) # the alpha value of grids on x-axis y_axis = pg.AxisItem('left') # x-axis y_axis.enableAutoSIPrefix(enable=False) # Prevent automatic SI # prefix scaling on this axis. axis_items = {'left': y_axis, 'bottom': x_axis} # add plot self.zoom_selection = self.centralWidget.addPlot(axisItems=axis_items) # disable the mouse events and menu events self.zoom_selection.setMouseEnabled(x=False, y=False) self.zoom_selection.setMenuEnabled(False) # initialize a cursor object. Height of cursor is 20000. self.vline = pg.ROI(pos=[0, 0], size=[0, 20000], angle=0, pen=CURSOR_PEN) self.zoom_selection.addItem(self.vline) # add item to plot area # add y-axis region self.right_axis = self.centralWidget.addPlot(row=0, col=1) # disable the mouse events and menu events self.right_axis.setMouseEnabled(x=False, y=False) self.right_axis.setMenuEnabled(False) self.right_axis.setMaximumWidth(125) # maximum width 125 self.right_axis.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 40) # set 40 left margin self.right_axis.hideAxis(axis="left") # hide left-axis self.right_axis.hideAxis(axis="bottom") # hide botton-axis self.right_axis.setYRange(0, 20000, padding=0) # show right axis self.right_axis.setLabel(axis="right", text="Frequency (Hz)") # initialize a linear region item orientation = pg.LinearRegionItem.Horizontal # set the item horizontal self.region_yaxis = pg.LinearRegionItem(values=[0, 20000], brush=YAXIS_BRUSH, orientation=orientation, bounds=[0, 20000]) self.right_axis.addItem(self.region_yaxis) # add item to right axis # set region changed signal to set y axis range in the plot self.region_yaxis.sigRegionChangeFinished.connect( self.change_yaxis_range)
[docs] def plot_pitch(self, pitch_plot, x_start, x_end, hop_size): """ Plots the given pitch_plot array. :param pitch_plot: (numpy array or list) List of pitch values. Ex: [234.5, 234,3, 234.0, ...] :param x_start: (int or float) Time stamp of starting point in seconds. :param x_end: (int or float) Time stamp of ending point in seconds. :param hop_size: (int) Hop size in samples. Ex: 128. """ if not self.is_pitch_plotted: # if pitch is not plotted yet self.ratio = 1. / (hop_size / np.float(self.sample_rate)) self.pitch_plot = pitch_plot # downsample the plot in given time stamps self.update_plot(start=x_start, stop=x_end, hop_size=hop_size) # set the flag as true after plot the pitch self.is_pitch_plotted = True else: # downsample the plot in given time stamps self.update_plot(start=x_start, stop=x_end, hop_size=hop_size)
[docs] def update_plot(self, start, stop, hop_size): """ Updates the view of the plot region with given time stamps. :param start: (int or float) Time stamp of starting point in seconds. :param stop: (int or float) Time stamp of ending point in seconds. :param hop_size: (int) Hop size in samples. Ex: 128. """ # convert the given time stamps into samples to specify the plot array start = int(start * self.ratio) stop = int(stop * self.ratio) plot_y = downsample_plot(self.pitch_plot[start:stop], self.limit) # create time stamps array for x-axis start = (np.float(start) * hop_size) / self.sample_rate stop = (np.float(stop) * hop_size) / self.sample_rate step = (stop - start) / (np.size(plot_y)) plot_x = np.arange(start=start, stop=stop, step=step) # Sometimes the dimensions of plot_x and plot_y are not same. To fix # this situation, take plot_x with the same dimension of plot_y plot_x = plot_x[0:np.size(plot_y)] self.zoom_selection.clearPlots() # clears the current plots self.zoom_selection.plot(x=plot_x[0:np.size(plot_y)], y=plot_y, connect='finite', pen=PITCH_PEN)
[docs] def plot_histogram_raxis(self, vals, bins): """ Plots histogram to the right axis. :param vals: (list or numpy array) List of valley values of histogram. :param bins: (list or numpy array) List of bins values of histogram in Hz """ # shadow pen is the properties of shadow around the lines self.right_axis.plot(x=vals, y=bins, shadowPen=SHADOW_PEN) self.right_axis.setXRange(0, np.max(vals), padding=0) # cursor in the histogram plot. self.hline_histogram = pg.ROI(pos=[0, 0], size=[0, 1], angle=-90, pen=CURSOR_PEN) self.right_axis.addItem(self.hline_histogram) # Link the y-axises of pitch and histogram plots self.zoom_selection.setYLink(self.right_axis)
[docs] def change_yaxis_range(self): """ Changes the y-axis range according to the selected region in y-axis. """ pos_y_min, pos_y_max = self.region_yaxis.getRegion() self.zoom_selection.setYRange(pos_y_min, pos_y_max) self.right_axis.setYRange(pos_y_min, pos_y_max)
[docs] def add_tonic(self, values): """ Adds tonic lines on the pitch plot. :param values: (list or numpy array) A sequence of tonic values in Hz. """ # label options for the tonic values on the tonic line label_opts = {'position': 0.1, 'color': (200, 200, 100), 'fill': (200, 200, 200, 50), 'movable': True} if not hasattr(self, 'tonic_lines'): self.tonic_lines = [] for value in values: # create infinite line t_line = pg.InfiniteLine(pos=value, movable=False, angle=0, label='Tonic=%.2f' % value, labelOpts=label_opts) # take tonic lines in a list to remove in the future self.tonic_lines.append(t_line) self.zoom_selection.addItem(t_line) # add item to zoom selection
[docs] def set_hist_cursor_pos(self, pos): """ Sets the position of histogram in y-axis. :param pos: (int or float) Playback position in seconds. """ pos_sample = cursor_pos_sample(pos, self.sample_rate, self.hopsize) pitch = current_pitch(pos_sample, self.pitch_plot) self.hline_histogram.setPos(pos=[0, pitch])
[docs] def update_notes(self, xmin, xmax): """ Plots the note squares on the time series widget according to the given region. :param xmin: (int) Minimum value of the region selector item :param xmax: (int) Maximum value of the region selector item """ pen=(225, 224, 181, 175) start_ind = self.find_nearest_index(self.notes_start, xmin) end_ind = self.find_nearest_index(self.notes_end, xmax) self.remove_given_items(self.zoom_selection, self.rois) self.rois = [] for i in range(start_ind, end_ind): temp_note = self.notes[i] roi = pg.ROI(pos=[temp_note[0], temp_note[2]], size=[temp_note[1] - temp_note[0], 5], pen=pen) roi.addScaleHandle(pos=[0, 0], center=[0.5, 0.5]) roi.addScaleHandle(pos=[1, 1], center=[0.5, 0.5]) self.zoom_selection.addItem(roi) self.rois.append(roi)
[docs] @staticmethod def remove_given_items(obj, items): """ Removes the given items from the given object :param obj: pyqtgraph.GraphicsWidget object :param items: (list) Sequence of pyqtgraph.GraphicsObject object """ for item in items: obj.removeItem(item)
[docs] @staticmethod def find_nearest_index(n_array, value): """ :param n_array: (numpy_array) :param value: (float) :return: (int) Index of the nearest item in the given list. """ index = (np.abs(n_array - value)).argmin() val = n_array[index] if value < val: return index else: return index + 1